Link between Neuropeptide and Common Rosacea Symptoms

16 Dec

Most Rosacea patients notice an abrupt stinging and burning sensation whenever they experience flushing. Researchers are looking into this connection with the aim to develop or discover a potential remedy that can help relieve redness or irritation. The National Rosacea Society is continuing its efforts in funding such studies to bring light and answers to common mysteries brought on by the disorder. According to the research, there could be a possible connection between the nervous system and the redness or stinging that happens to the patients.

The said stinging or burning sensation prior to the flushing or redness could be a sign of nerve activation. This can also be a potential signal that something is wrong with the communication between the vascular and nervous system. The Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide or (PACAP), a neuropeptide molecule could be one possible thing that plays a major role in regulating the blood vessels according to the study. It was found to have a direct effect on inflammation when tested with animals but tests conducted with human subjects are still implicit. Further research and studies are needed to successfully determine the impact of this molecule to the patient. It is possible that PACAP can potentially treat redness and flushing on patients when combined with other factors yet to be discovered as of this time.

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