Link between Neuropeptide and Common Rosacea Symptoms

16 Dec

Most Rosacea patients notice an abrupt stinging and burning sensation whenever they experience flushing. Researchers are looking into this connection with the aim to develop or discover a potential remedy that can help relieve redness or irritation. The National Rosacea Society is continuing its efforts in funding such studies to bring light and answers to common mysteries brought on by the disorder. According to the research, there could be a possible connection between the nervous system and the redness or stinging that happens to the patients.

The said stinging or burning sensation prior to the flushing or redness could be a sign of nerve activation. This can also be a potential signal that something is wrong with the communication between the vascular and nervous system. The Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide or (PACAP), a neuropeptide molecule could be one possible thing that plays a major role in regulating the blood vessels according to the study. It was found to have a direct effect on inflammation when tested with animals but tests conducted with human subjects are still implicit. Further research and studies are needed to successfully determine the impact of this molecule to the patient. It is possible that PACAP can potentially treat redness and flushing on patients when combined with other factors yet to be discovered as of this time.

But he who dares not grasp the thorn Should never crave the rose.

10 Oct

― Anne Brontë

The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.

6 Oct
 – Albert Einstein

New Theme: Isca

10 Aug

Ohh this is nice!! News

Hello there! Another Thursday has arrived and all the themers down in Themeville are excited to present the latest addition to the wonderful world of themes here on

Isca is the third release from our premium theme partner Pro Theme Design. This tumblelog-style theme has been designed for people who create a variety of types of content. It is the perfect theme for creative people, and for visual businesses who want an elegant outlet for their work.

Isca is a premium upgrade for your blog; read more about its features on the Theme Showcase or dive right into previewing it on your blog from Appearance → Themes.

Check out more themes by Pro Theme Design.

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3 Simple Herbal Face Care Remedies

1 Aug

Nice post!!

Alltime Ayurveda

We all want to look good. However, the biggest mistake we make is actually resorting to various kinds of artificial and synthetic products. These skin care products harm our skin instead of making them look better. In reality, the only full proof remedy to skin care is by using herbal face care remedies. The best aspect of using herbal products is that, they do not have any kinds of side effects involved with them. Also, most of these herbal products are readily available at our home.

Here are 3 Simple Herbal face care Remedies that are sure to make you look good

Tip 1:Say Bye-Bye to Acne with Tomato: We all have suffered with acne some time or the other in life. We are also aware of the fact, that no matter what we do nothing seems to work on acne and reduce them. Actually, all we had to…

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Use Zenmed Rosacea Treatment to Resolve Ocular Rosacea Signs

10 Jul

Do you plan to use Zenmed Rosacea Treatment to resolve ocular rosacea signs? There are times when you cannot make decisions based on your impulse. This is the case if you want to resolve the first signs of your ocular rosacea. It is sad that your condition has worsened to this level and it is just annoying. Ocular rosacea happens if you are suffering from the skin condition known as rosacea. Its symptoms include dry eyes and redness of your eyes. You cannot use just any antibiotic to fix this problem because this might complicate your condition even more. However, you can find ways to manage your skin problem in order to prevent this eye problem from happening.

You can prevent ocular rosacea even before it happens by following the right management for your skin condition. It is as easy as maintaining a healthy lifestyle and using the right products to care for your skin. Zenmed has a wide range of products that can help you manage your rosacea skin condition and stop ocular rosacea from happening. But, you have heard that natural remedies are better in curing rosacea symptoms that those that are readily available in the market. You do not have to worry about a thing because this skin care system has combined the advanced remedies of science with the miracle cures of nature all in one effective rosacea care system for dry, oily and even the redness-prone skin.

You will be amazed how such one admirable product is made from mostly the natural ingredients you believe are effective in resolving the symptoms of rosacea. These natural ingredients were infused in the product to provide you with remarkable creams, toners and moisturizers that actually works. You will feel like you are concocting your own homemade rosacea remedies with these natural ingredients only at a more convenient package. Some of these ingredients include Sweet Almond Oil, Argan Oil, Jojoba Oil, Borage Oil, Willow Bark Extract, Green Tea, Cucumber, Chamomile, and Sea Kelp, Rose Hip Oil, Aloe Vera Gel, Sunflower Oil, Cocoa Butter, Evening Primrose, Lavender, Lemon, Balm Mint, Chamomile, Rosemary, Althea, Wild Thyme, Horsetail and many other essential ingredients that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-microbial effects on the skin.

Zenmed understands that your skin condition deserves to be taken seriously. This is the reason why the scientists in this company are constantly improving the products to provide you with effective, dependable and worth-every-penny kind of product. You still have the chance to face a new day with a redness free skin. Couple it up with a healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise and you will definitely forget you even suffer from this skin problem.

Reliable ZENMED Rosacea Treatment Tips

26 Jun

Are you searching for reliable Zenmed Rosacea Treatment tips? You should because these tips can help you manage and deal with your problem with your frequently red face. You might have come across with different Rosacea Treatment Review articles on the internet for quite some time. However, you need to understand more about your skin condition before trying one product after another. This knowledge will help you find the right remedies that can help you minimize your flare-ups. What can sound better than that?

Rosacea is a skin disorder that is prominent on people with lighter skin colors especially those who have Caucasian or Western European lineages. This skin disorder is characterizes by the abrupt enlargement of the capillaries that is coupled with flushing, redness and appearance of papules or pustules. This can be very irritating and can go on and on for a long time. The sad part is there is no known cure for this skin disorder until now. However, you can find remedies that can keep the symptoms manageable when combined with healthy lifestyle, proper diet and efficient skin care system. Here are some more tips that can get you a long way in managing rosacea symptoms.

1. Try to avoid heavy make-up or opt for no make-up at all. The lesser products you apply on your skin at a regular basis, the lesser the chance for you to suffer flare-ups. In case you could not resist the urge of prettifying yourself, opt for make-up products that are hypoallergenic and are known to be rosacea safe.

2. Keep a journal or a post-it note on your fridge for the list of triggers for your flare-ups. Triggers can vary from one patient to another. Nevertheless, majority of these triggers include hot and spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, stress, lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle and skin care products that contain irritants.

3. Seek help from your dermatologist. If there is one person who can understand you skin problem more than you do, that is your skin expert. Talk to him about your situation and your hopes in managing your skin problem. He can recommend topical medication and safe skin care products that you can incorporate to your skin care regimen. Products with natural ingredients make it on top of the list.

4. Protect your skin from direct sunlight by wearing hats and appropriate clothes when hitting the day light. Lather up on sunscreen as well even on cloudy days. This is because you need protection from UV rays that you thought do not exist when the sun is not seen. UV rays can penetrate through your skin and cause long term damage which can be exponential since you have rosacea.

Effective Rosacea Home Treatment

21 Jun

When a person is having rosacea, his main concern is to find the best treatment that could help him avoid getting a red face. This chronic skin has unknown cause. It has only reported symptoms that give a clue to the patient of which foods and activities he should avoid. This is also a good rosacea home treatment. It is important that you will know the triggers so that you will also have an idea of the things and foods that you shouldn’t do or take in respectively.

Rosacea is triggered by sun exposure. Your home treatment could be a rosacea sunscreen which has natural ingredients. It is best to apply this before you go out of your house. Your skin is very sensitive to the sun thus you have to choose a sunscreen with higher Sun Protection Factor.

Your diet will play a role in controlling your flare-ups. It is known that spicy foods, hot and caffeinated drinks are also triggers of rosacea breakouts. Your best move is to avoid eating and drinking such foods and beverages.

Stress is unavoidable. This is also a factor that can contribute to your flare-ups. It is best to avoid being stressed by shifting your attention to the things that make you happy. One way is to do your hobbies. In this manner you will be entertained and will eventually forget the thing that causes you stress.

Rosacea home treatment doesn’t have to be expensive. You just have to aware of the triggers and have the discipline to avoid them.

What Is The Right Rosacea Make-up To Choose

9 May

Rosacea make-up is an essential beauty product for women. Usually, women are very conscious son how they look like. This will even make their faces red because of being embarrassed if people would notice the redness on their face. Rosacea is skin disease that is characterized by facial flushing and blushing. This is commonly experienced by women who are at their 30’ or up to 60’s. This disease is not contagious but it is reported that this can be hereditary.

This chronic skin problem can also be experienced by men but the number of women who suffer this is twice as their number. Thus make-up that can conceal the redness on their face is something that they want to invest their money in. When you belong to these women, be sure to find a brand or products that will help you conceal the redness but will not ruin your skin. A person with rosacea should be extra careful in choosing skincare products because it can even cause rosacea to worsen when wrong product is chosen.

Mineral make-ups are the ones that are usually recommended for women to use. It is said to be safe since there are no harsh chemicals that can easily cause the skin to become irritated. The skin could be inflamed and redness is severe whenever the product is not gentle to the skin. This will cause skin allergies that will trigger rosacea flare-up. It is better to consult your dermatologist if the brand you would want to use is suitable for your skin or not.

How Rosacea Laser Treatment Can Help You Reduce Facial Redness

2 Apr

Rosacea is one of the commons skin conditions for Caucasians aging from 30 years old. This is actually common to women but it is more severe in men. This is characterized by the redness on the face and as it progresses, you will be noticing red blood vessels in your face. There are different treatments that one can use in dealing with rosacea. Among these is rosacea laser treatment. This is just one of the effective choices in treating this chronic skin disease.

Usually, a rosacea patient would utilize home remedies in treating the skin problem. Some would opt for skincare products such as topical creams. There are plenty of these products in the market and choosing from them takes careful analysis of the ingredients and its effectiveness. This is because a lot of brands are claiming that their product is effective and the best in town yet they aren’t.

Whenever these topical treatments are not working, there are is still something better that can handle redness of the face. The innovation in technology is such a great help for all the people all over the world. Millions of people are battling with rosacea and technology gave way to one of the effective treatments in controlling facial flushing and blushing. The laser breaks up the swollen blood vessels which causes redness on the face thus reduces the redness of the face.

This kind of treatment may be effective but it is still worth the price. You can consult with your dermatologist to learn more about it.